My last post was titled, "Someone is NOT going to make it through winter, probably me" and I have to say, it's coming true.
Picture it: a beautiful Christmas late afternoon, time to get together with family and enjoy a wonderful meal. Glancing out a window you see three horses, one horse is standing quietly while another is chasing around the third. The concerned owner slips out the backdoor and brings in the poor chased horse and offers her a flake of hay to nimble on, she then returns to the house. But not for long. As she is sitting in the family room, she watches the once quiet horse cantering across the pasture. She wonders if the bully is picking another fight, so she gets up from her chair and goes to the window to see better. The cantering horse settles down and starts walking the fence line. As he reaches the back of the pasture, he spins and starts, galloping along the fence. He comes to the corner and instead of turning and following the line, he slips, falls, and slides through the fence.
The owner, who just witness this, is frantic and runs wildly through the house and out the backdoor. The horse is even more frantic as he is now tangled in the electric fence and trying to free himself. As he bolts across the pasture, the electric fence is around his legs, barrel, back and chest. Luckily the fence snaps and he is free, just now understandably upset and still galloping about. The owner reaches the pasture gate, flings it open and runs to her horse's aid. In hindsight, not a good idea; but a good one who would appreciate it.
Once the horse is caught, he is blowing and shaking. He is led back into the barn, where the owner tends to his injuries...but wait! There is only one, a rope burn around his chest and shoulder. She thanks her lucky stars that it is not worse and goes about settling down the wild beast.
For the rest of the evening, and well into the night, the concerned owner returns to the barn every hour on the hour to check on her poor-poor horse.
Cast of Characters:
Concerned/Frantic Owner.....Me
Picked on horse....Angel
Which can only leave our STAR
Quiet horse who ran through fence....DINO.
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