Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Here are some older videos I've taken of Dino over the course of the last year. Hopefully at some point I'll have some videos of Angel, Sancho and Dino out in the snow playing.

This first one if from when Dino was boarded last winter at Sandy's Lilly Bug Farm, just down the road from me. Okay, 'down the road from me' is country talk, she's about three miles north of me. I had boarded Dino for the sole reason of an indoor riding arena. It served its purpose. This particular day, Dino was feeling his oats a bit. Check out the buck at :39. The bucking was something Dino had to learn was not acceptable under saddle, it took a bit for him learn that! Sorry it's so dark, I did have the arena lights on.

This next video is of Dino bowing. I talked about this is another post and I do recommend teaching this trick. Super easy, a great focus tool and is a bounding experience.

The last video is the most recent. Dino is still lunged at least once a week. It gives his back a rest, works on his balance, his rhythm, and his gait. It's also great for me, because like most people I'm on time restraints and lungeing is just so much easier. Here Dino is in side-reins which are simply looped onto the girth, if he pulls his head up they will slide up. This way he is not forced into a position, but encouraged into one. The lunge line is attached to the inside ring of the bit only (the bit ring closest to me). Dino is going in a dressage bridle with a padded raised flash cavesson, and the bit is a Happy Mouth double jointed loose ring snaffle bit.

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