Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Bucket List

I got this idea from the January 2009 issue of Horse Illustrated.

1. Gallop on a beach.
2. Win a blue ribbon for a Musicale Freestlye.
3. Enjoy an evening of equestrian theater by the Cavalia company.
4. Try my hand at team calf penning and cutting.
5. Ride in a recognized hunt, with scarlett coat and barking dogs.
6. Fall off and get right back on. Done.
7. See the majestic white Lipizzan stallions at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria.
8. Visit the Musée Vivant du Cheval – the Living Horse Museum – in Chantilly, France.
9. Be accepted for a two-week training course at the Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre – Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art – in Jerez, Spain.
10. Come to a sliding stop on a well-trained reining horse.
11. Take a riding lesson with an Olympian. Examples include, but are not limited to: Steffen Peters, Courtney King-Dye, Betsy Steiner, Jane Savoie, George Williams, Debbie McDonald, Sabine Schut Kerry...etc.,etc.
12. Nurse a horse through a crisis and back to full health. Done.
13. Experience the smooth ride of a gaited horse. Done, *lol*
14. Watch the horses come through the Head of the Lake on cross-country day at the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event.
15. Have the courage to do the right thing for your horse.
16. Attend the Kentucky Derby dressed to the nines -- including the hat.
17. Ride a trail accessible only be horseback and enjoy the view.
18. Take my dream vacation on horseback: New Zealand, Ireland, and Spain.
19. Master the sitting trot. Done.
20. Ride a dressage schoolmaster.
21. Watch polo.
22. Feed, muck, groom, ride. Repeat daily.
23. Wake up to a whinny every morning. Done.
24. Fly down the track on a Thoroughbred. Done.
25.Meet one of your favorite famous horses in person -- from the movies, Docs Keepin' Time (Justin).
26. Ride bareback, bridleless...or both. Done, I have no desire to ride bridleless.
27. Share a bond with your horse that's deeper than words.

And because I've already completed six of these, here are seven new ones.
1. Ride beautiful examples of the following breeds: a Lipizzaner, a Friesian, and an Andalusian. Make them all stallions.
2. Own any/all of the above.
3. Attend the Olympics.
4. Attend the FEI World Cup. Done, WEG 2010 @ the Kentucky Horse Park.
5. Own a Thoroughbred racehorse who runs in the Kentucky Derby.
6. Attend the Breeder's Cup.
7. Learn to ride Side Saddle.

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