1. Gallop on a beach.
2. Win a blue ribbon for a Musicale Freestlye.
3. Enjoy an evening of equestrian theater by the Cavalia company.
4. Try my hand at team calf penning and cutting.
5. Ride in a recognized hunt, with scarlett coat and barking dogs.
7. See the majestic white Lipizzan stallions at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna, Austria.
8. Visit the Musée Vivant du Cheval – the Living Horse Museum – in Chantilly, France.
9. Be accepted for a two-week training course at the Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre – Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art – in Jerez, Spain.
10. Come to a sliding stop on a well-trained reining horse.
11. Take a riding lesson with an Olympian. Examples include, but are not limited to: Steffen Peters, Courtney King-Dye, Betsy Steiner, Jane Savoie, George Williams, Debbie McDonald, Sabine Schut Kerry...etc.,etc.
14. Watch the horses come through the Head of the Lake on cross-country day at the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event.
15. Have the courage to do the right thing for your horse.
16. Attend the Kentucky Derby dressed to the nines -- including the hat.
17. Ride a trail accessible only be horseback and enjoy the view.
18. Take my dream vacation on horseback: New Zealand, Ireland, and Spain.
20. Ride a dressage schoolmaster.
21. Watch polo.
25.Meet one of your favorite famous horses in person -- from the movies, Docs Keepin' Time (Justin).
27. Share a bond with your horse that's deeper than words.
And because I've already completed six of these, here are seven new ones.
1. Ride beautiful examples of the following breeds: a Lipizzaner, a Friesian, and an Andalusian. Make them all stallions.
2. Own any/all of the above.
3. Attend the Olympics.
5. Own a Thoroughbred racehorse who runs in the Kentucky Derby.
6. Attend the Breeder's Cup.
7. Learn to ride Side Saddle.
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