Monday, November 30, 2009

Week 1 & 2

Still playing catch-up.

Since Dino arrived home on the night of November 10, he was allowed to settle in and we didn't start work until November 12. Up until that point, I had noticed that Dino did fidget - all the time. He was referred to as Mr Wiggle's while in Kentucky and was truly living up to his name. Though I knew with time and patience he would settle. I am working with the following training thought: "Walk for muscle. Trot for balance. Canter for wind. In that order."

November 12
Dino was lunged in a padded dressage bridle with a double jointed loose ring (happy mouth) bit. We worked only 20 minutes with 10 minutes in each direction. Dino had to walk solidly for the first 2 minutes before moving up to a trot for 3 minutes. Downward transition to a walk for another 2 minutes before moving back into a trot for another 2 minutes. Walk 1 minute, reverse directions with the same time constraints. Goal was to keep Dino out on the lunge line, while working on voice commands. After 10 minutes, Dino is brought in off the lunge line and hand walked for 5 minutes to cool out.

November 13
A repeat of the previous day.

November 14 & 15
Were quiet days used for grooming and working on standing in the the cross ties and ground tying. In the end, no more Mr Wiggles!! We stand quietly and patiently.

November 16
Quiet day. Purchased a 78" Landa blanket. Too big.

November 17
Exchanged 78" blanket for a 75" blanket. Too small.
Dino free-style lunged for the usual 20 minutes, 10 minutes in each direction. Keeping his attention on me. Working on voice commands and downward transitions.

November 18

Exchanged the 76" blanket for the original 78" plus purchased a medium sized shoulder guard. Have high hopes that the blanket will fit as Dino adds weight and muscle. Freestyle lunged, 20 minutes.

November 19
Freestyle lunged, added canter. Still only 20 minutes.

November 20
Not happy today, sour look on his face. Freestyle lunged, 20 minutes. Start: 2 minutes walking, 3 minutes trotting, 2 minutes walking, 1 minute canter, 2 minutes walking. Reverse directions. Repeat. 5 minute hand walking to cool out.

November 21
Freestyle lunged. Difficult today, more interested in activities outside the arena. Instead of the usual 20 minutes, took 30 minutes. Goal was to get and keep Dino's attention. Was sweaty and required the cooler to keep from getting chilled.

November 22
Quiet day.

November 23
Freestyle lunged. Back to the normal 20 minutes, was happy-to-please self.

November 24
Freestyle lunged. See above.

November 25
Dino has returned to the lunge line and is lunged in the dressage bridle with the double jointed loose ring. I have added a surcingle with double elastic side reins, the side reins are on the very first hole to remain as loose as possible. He's lunged 10 minutes in each direction; 3 minutes walking, 5 minutes trotting, 2 minutes walking. Hand walked 5 minutes to cool out.

November 26
Happy Thanksgiving!

November 27
Grooming day.

November 28
Bad weather, off.

November 29
Dino lunged in side-reins, moved from the first hole to the second. Worked on engage the inside hind leg and asking for more forward momentum.

November 30
Lunged again in side-reins, has a harder staying out on the circle compared to no side-reins. Much better keeping the forward momentum, though, and went into the bridle towards the end. Having the side-reins on the second hole reveals just how tight he still in his back, but he does loosen up.

Dino will not be rushed, and we will return to basics at any time he seems to be getting frazzled. He needs to learn to relax and walk under saddle for as long as I want, if he jigs into a trot, fine. There will be no fight. As his balance improves he will be expected to hold himself out and on the rail. As time passes, he will relax and drop into the bridle using his back. He is green and does not know anything other than being a racehorse. As his balance and tempo improve, we will add canter work and eventually circles to keep his back loose and swinging.

Need to remember: A marching walk leads to a quality trot which leads to an even better canter.

Dino is currently on the following feed:
McCauley's Original 14 at 6-lbs per day, McCauley's All-Natural Rice Bran Oil with 4-ounces a day as well as 1-lb of Buckeye's Ultimate Finish. Dino is also getting 15-lbs of alfalfa hay a day. I would really like to see 200-lbs, or more, of fat and muscle on him and I'm considering putting him on Ration Plus or another type of weight supplement. I'm also considering adding alfalfa/timothy hay cubes or some alfalfa hay pellets. I'm so paranoid because of how thin he is and we're going into winter, I don't need for him to loose more weight.

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